#3 Stych comes out of stealth
A *weekly* digest of the news and events from the fintech_devs community
Welcome to the second edition of the fintech_devs newsletter!
This community started as a slack group for fintech developers to connect and help each other learn. Now that we have meetups and a conference we feel like it’s time to start sharing community updates in email form.
As with everything we do, this newsletter is a service to the community. We’ll be sharing updates and news & events from community members!
If you want your news shared fill out this form!
Only 8 weeks left to get your tickets!
If you haven’t heard, fintech_devcon is happening this September 7th, 8th & 9th. This event is filled with hands on workshops from the best in the business. If you’re on the fence you can use this code for 15% off.
Engineers from all over the country on descending on Denver, don’t miss out on all the fun!
Ex-Plaid employees and Moov community members announced a new funding round!
You can read more about it here
With things opening back up there are a number of events happening soon. Here are some that have been shared in the fintech_devs community:
We’re lucky that some of the best fintech companies share their open roles in our slack channel, some even before they’re shared publicly. Many companies are hiring more than one role:
Community Highlights
In open source, if you’re lucky people contribute to your projects. By that account what happened this week in the Moov community is a miracle. One of our most active contributors Ryan Wetzel recently offered to open source his companies home grown solution to check imaging for the good of the community.
The project is still in the early stages but a bunch of community members jumped in offering to help work on it together!
One of those members who offered to help Ryan was Sara Adineh. That’s noteable because last week she made her first open source PR since her time in College! Thank you Sara for jumping in and making these projects better for everyone!
Thank you all for making this community so special! If you like reading these updates share it with a friend!